Saturday 31 December 2011

2012 in few mins

dear dolce,

im turning 21 tomorrow TT__TT
well not officially, but orz...

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ok so..
NOT a productive year for me -__-

but i did enjoyed myself and did/get some awesome things.


ok yeah, so i've been ranting about wanting a camera? i got it for my 20th birthday!

i didnt get those high-tech cameras that i want tho. but who cares xD
i got a white lumix dmc-s3
thanks babah

2) Graduated from college

ahaha...i struggled so hard for a couple of years. been through some pain-asu hard time on studying, friends, tasks, practical training, sweat wtf and for losing dearest Dolce Q___Q

i kinda miss my friends. most of them are all very far away right now. half of them are foreigners so i might not get to see them again orz

i dont miss a shit about studying and struggling for exams =_=" i had enough.

*pictures by sarah's sister, farah

3) attended 2 AMGC events
3a) C2AGE & tropicana city mall
- did not cosplay, just randomly bleeds in yukata -_-

3b) Comic Fiesta
- worst CF, but had fun camwhoring xD and awesome cosplayers're everywhere.
- cosplayed as chibi maruko chan.

*i seriously dont know why cant i rotate these pictures!! RAGEEEEE!!!!! i guess we'll just hafto rotate our heads instead TT_TT

4) attended MIFW/Mifa (Malaysian International Fashion Week)

- cuz my sister got into the final round (fashion runway competition), so she got like 10 free tickets.
- she won 2nd prize. congrats n_n

- i didnt get to take pictures cuz i've bee drooling over the hot bishie male models all the time. ngeheh. what, u dont get to see them evryday k -_- but i dun wna see them evryday pun. pondan.
- get to go 2nd time for the gala night, got 2 free tickets. omg how?...our parents. wtf??? they got invitation from Peugeot cuz they bought a car -_-

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lately im into gore/psycho/horror/creepy/disgusting things kinda things. NOT the actual things yah =A=
drawings and so.
i started to do research on them and try new skills.
so far my sources and and references are from JUNJI ITO. omg he's such and inspiration!!! im gonna cheat on my husband someday and go marry this guy and steals all of his ideas and works, gets awesome then get back to my husband and tell him i got hypnotized. j-just look at all these awesome works from him!!!!

and so, i tried to learn from him and keep on improving. i hope i can be like him someday. or meet him. bribe.

k so, this is my latest artworks, inspired by this awesome guy!!!


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hope that 2012 will be a better year for me and for all of you.
- eat lotsa vegetables.
- prepare for zombie apocalypse.
- drive carefully cuz evry journey might be your last xD seriously starting to get lazy now.
so i guess i'll just stop here xD

..ok so i guess i'll just go somewhere to squat down and watch fireworks

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