Monday 9 January 2012

poem stolen from a beggar

dear dolce,

please come back to life...

❀ ✿ ❁


since when did u became so blind?

u never treat me this way before.

ur being so mean.

i guess because u got a new shoulder.


n u think by doing this,

i'll be fine soon

and i'll come crawling back?

yes u r ok cuz u got a shoulder for u now

whai so selfish dear friend?

stop trying so hard to push me away.

i want to go
away from you

cuz u dont appreciate this friendship anymore.

no i wont tell u wat it is

cuz u should realize it

cuz ur the one's doing it

ur happier than i ever knew u

i guess u can survive

i guess u dont need me to care and appreciate u anymore

take care

❀ ✿ ❁

2nd emo post from me "OTL
waaaaa.....i wna cry so bad Q _ Q
i did cry last night tho xD
aaah~ i wish dolce was here...
yes i want a cat to comfort meh, not humanzzzz >A</
well its more like i force-hug em n make like they comfort me xD
watever. makes me feel better =u=
...ok here's a cat rage comic

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