Wednesday 1 June 2011

dear dolce...

minna san, hajimemashite!

first of all do we need a blog?
..if u are a big fan of some sexy funny hot blogger which can possibly make u a pedo or a lot less like pedo's cousin that shares the same interest in poking spiders..then yeah -__-

its 11.20pm...a fully grown up kid should feel very sleepy by now..
that explains the above statement..


why do i make a blog?

cuz i liek having my own cute-layout-ed not-so-private space which i can type anything...
that i can laugh at...
or pretend to laugh by typing "lol" but in real life --> =___=...

this is actually my 2nd blog.
where's my 1st blog?


*comes out from the dark*

just if u're wondering why did i put my blog title as "dear dolce..." , that is because since i lost my most dearest to me back in 2010, i cant seems to forget him. and i wna make evrything in my life, related to him. and everything in this blog, is all i ever wanted to tell dear dolce, after he left me.

he's a cat.

if u laughed..or make the -__- face or the @__@" face, i'll send edward to sparkle bite till u die.


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