Friday 2 September 2011

half way through

i was doing some touch-up to my make up in Jusco Bukit Tinggi mall 2 days ago..
when my phone suddenly ringing..

"private number calling"

...should i pick up? -_- *while touchin' up my lips*
cz i had some bad memories with private number calling me years ago.
but meh~ i just pick up xD


"heroo, ai yem kooring furom jiapan, isu disu missu suriannnaa?? kenu aiyi tokutu missu suriannaa?"
...-____-..*runs outsde the bathroom immediately*
i talked excitedly to that japanese guy that i forgot i left my handbag etc in the bathroom lol. thank god my sister is inside, also touchin' up her face. ngeheh..

so the news still not sure whether i got a place at the Japanese school but i am now 50% sure!!!

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