Monday 19 September 2011

❥ ② years

  ||. .|| <--- this is liesss...he's not this fat -_-

[19 sept]


its our anniversary laaah~ lololol
just for being together, not married or anything xD

for now, its my longest relationship with a guy nyahaa~
i appreciate every dem moment.
wishing he's not another jerk lol

no he's not =w=

best thing about rill (yes him) is that..he's not hot-tempered.
he controls his emotions n feelings very well. i love that.
aaand..he's one crazydumbsucklilmonkeywholikestomakestoopidjokes  hahah..

here's what we did last year for our 1st anniversary (pffftt..) 


we live far away so what we did lol sad i know "orz...

today. we still live far faarr away xDDD
and we both are so busy we dont have time to even webcam chat.
and today, im not that ugly anymore, i've upgraded to not-so-ugly-yet-still-feeling-ugly-but-gain-more-confidence-than-last-year...gahahaaah~


 got ya annoyed? xD
oh. here's one more. im the one at far left. just post it cuz my sister looks funny lol. at the centre is my lil' brother

aaah~ since this is an anniversary post, so might as well put him inda picture too =3= cheh.



 mother of god. im with freak "orz...

"today. we still live far faarr away xDDD
and we both are so busy we dont have time to even webcam chat."

actually..HE's busy -__-
im butting chair while slapping my laptop every 2mins cuz the line is so slow (daddy! Y U NO put password?!!)..
neighbours use our line every night and the line got veeery slow like a drunk two-legged turtle.

here's a bunny.

(. .)


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