Thursday 6 October 2011

some things are just pure craps

dear dolce,

ur the best companion i've ever had and i miss every precious moments of it i really do. i wish u could send me another angel just like u. and make it human? :)

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i started to realize the changes in some of my friends behavior.


became very egoistic.
feels like they're super cool n i'm suddenly lame.
raised voice over nothing, just trying to annoy me.
annoyed n sensitive over everything that i said.
make an obvious sighing n eye-rolling.

some more shit.


i think they just wanted to show me that they dont want me to be around them very often anymore.
smart @_@
wut did i do anyway?
i kno u guys find n make awesome new friends, but u dont have to try so hard to kick me off. at least make it less obvious -__-
its so annoying.

friends come and go.
esp those who ur trying so hard to impress.
not me -_-
i stay cz im sincere.
maybe one day u'll come to realize it.


if u really dont want me anywhere near u like ur da king and im da stray dog, fine o_o
i guess u dont worth my time, neither my sincere friendship -_-

maybe im not that cool. (i'm awesome)
maybe im not that hipster. (i'm just that awesome)
maybe ur new friends are perfect. (i'm just perfectly awesome)

guess u finally found ur dream team. im just a stepping stone.

enjoy ur new famous life,

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gosh, such an emo post xD
feels like barfing -__-
but i felt so annoyed even though i tried so hard not to give a damn.
its just so hurtful -__-" ugh.
to care about friends n to be treated back like this.
makes me feel like crap.

daijoubu, i guess it'll wear off in no time.
n really hope i'll get to make new friends too. who're really nice Q_Q
lol #foreveralone "orz...

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