Tuesday 27 March 2012


dear dolce,

i love you for loving me for who i am n never judge (u cant tell me anyway muahahahaa xD) *hugs

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do you people like being compare to other people? or other things?
well i dont know. BUT I DONT!!!

some people dont care.
1. cuz for them, its not who i am, so whut.
2. they're hurt but try to act like all cool and said like point above.

aaaaanyway. i care!

i am someone who likes being weird and different. i dont like being compared for goodness sake.

it hurts and i feel shitty. i dont care if i look like someone you know or whoever in terms of style etc, BIATCH PLEASE, i dont follow any of ur freaking friends.
if i feel like it, i buy.
if i feel like it, i wear.
if i feel like it, i freaking do it myself.
if i feel like following em, i'd excitedly ask/tell em about it!

i dont buy sayings like "u should be proud that they compare u to her/him/that".
i'd be proud if i can do it without following people.

usually people who compared me to others have the intention to hurt me on purpose. i can sense that dummy. who is stupid enough to compare their own friends with other people and think dat it wont hurt? and u think ur awesome and original. if ur so original, go pick some leaves and stick em on ur @#$%& and walk around town like a boss.
then u wait till i feel heartbroken, feel satisfied, felt good aint it?
swallow it. do nothing good on you.
congrats u made me feel bad.
now go praised urself infront of the mirror. perasan perfect =A= i can compare u too but i wouldn't cuz i know it will hurt u. its like im the only one who acts like a friend here. psshhh...

or. ur jealous in a way, felt threatened, try to make me feel down, feel good about urself. pshh pls.
or. u feel insecure. u are following someone's style. afraid ppl'll judge or watever, now go n attack people.
or. i dunno, trying so hard to show that u are somewhat into the style im in too, and put into evrybody's mind that i followed u?
omg girl, i can smell ur stinky behaviour frm thousands miles away!!! >A</
*flip tables*

sometimes, not just comparing me to a person. an animal. gosh people. u gone blind? do some eye surgery.

someone compare me to a pig.
she thinks its funny. no. i can sense that she's trying to hurt me.
why not u compare urself to a pig, see how cute u look/act.
i dont mind cats. i love cats to bits.
pigs? -__-


...oh btw. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RILL!!! xD

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