Saturday 13 August 2011

JAPAN!!! ━Σ(゚Д゚|||)"



im one step closer to go to Japan!!! daddy finally let me apply!! *celebrate*

i fill in all kinds of forms needed, then i realised that i need LOTSA moar thingsss before sending the forms! like my diploma certificate which i left at KL and havent renew my international passport yet and etc etc like omigahhhh!!! 
"(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)" aarghh~
i thought the application deadline is on end of October. thank god i checked back cuz its on 10th of September!! *curse whales*

no I WONT GIVE UP EASILY!!!!! *fire up*
this is once in a lifetime opportunity, to go to my dream country without using my own money (heh) and live there and study there and learn about all of their cultures, language, manga, bishies...everything!!!!
i promise i'll do my very best in my studies! i supppaaa promise i wont let u down dad!
god please let me go to japan to fulfill my dream (´Д`。)~~~

Japan! dont u make it hard for me, im trying to promote u dammit!! \>A</ kusoOOO!!!!~
i love the spot! love the red spot! i want the red spot! gimmehhh the red spot!!! "orz...


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