Wednesday 24 August 2011

shinjuku dream ⊙﹏⊙

dear dolce,
i just wanna get there...

❀ ✿ ❁

last night i had a dream...that im already at day before my class starts...

its a very happy dream, felt like my dream finally came true.

im in a dorm no.40, together with more than 30 other girls (not exactly a dream come true lol) but i dont mind. i dont care.
im just too happy that im there. i got very excited and start disturbing other girls, asking blax8 questions, making friends blax8...
i got a very shitty bed. scary bed. shitty bed.
but i dont mind...i dont care.
seriously, all i ever wanted is to be there.

im the happiest looking girl in that dream.
the most excited.

then i woke up.

. felt shitty-er than having that shitty bed -__-

❀ ✿ ❁

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